What’s BunHMI Display
BunHMI Display is a Human Machine Interface (HMI) solution by leverage LVGL and combined an onboard GUI processor and memory with touch display.
Also, we provide a free BunMaker software for rapid GUI project development. Let you design the HMI as like as cooking the delicious buns(quick, easy and diverse).
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BunMaker is a free GUI development IDE for BunHMI. You can design and download code via USB to BunHMI.

Using the BunMaker Editor software, you can develop the HMI GUI by drag-and-drop components (graphics, text, button, slider, etc.) and utilize BunTalk protocol, a Script like text-based protocol, for communicate how components interact with each other.
BunHMI display connects to MCU via TTL Serial (5V, TX, RX, GND). BunTalk can be used for notify MCU or control GUI components, all instructions are ASCII text-base string fromat. Easy learning and do not need extra library.
BunMHI Display is base on LVGL and use BunMaker to make GUI design. An ideal solution for you to create GUI applications.